73. The Barbie Marketing Strategy: You Can Do It Too

Limitless Podcast —Episode 73 – Barbie Movie Marketing Campaign

Unless you’ve been trapped in a pink Barbie box, there’s no escaping the Barbie movement that’s sweeping the world. Bringing in $337 million globally in its first weekend on a reported $150 million marketing budget, Greta Gerwig’s Barbie movie and more importantly its marketing is something to marvel at. Today, Jamie Ratermann goes deep into the cotton candy-colored fantasy of Barbie and explains how the marketing department at Warner Bros created a campaign you could adapt into your business.  

Episode Highlights: 

  • Creating partnerships: why brands jumped on the bandwagon to create their own pink items to capitalize on the “Barbie” buzz.

  • Anticipation can be one of the best way to gain new followers and new engagement.

  • Strong Marketing Messaging is not about pushing sales first.

  • Why you don’t need a Hollywood budget to prioritize your visibility in your business.


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Jamie Ratermann  0:00  

Hi Barbie, you don't need this Hollywood budget to prioritize your visibility in your business. This is what you want to take from it. If I like I can take a crumb of what would the success of the Barbie movie was? I'm going to let my clients anticipate what the content the offers that I'm building and sharing. I'm wanting to get grounded in strong messaging that's meaningful that absolutely energizes me to share those offers. Being limitless is knowing your success and your growth are built on a radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health and impact above all else. Limitless is never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I am a Holistic business coach. Meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and brands social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your self imposed limits to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. Hi Barbie. Welcome to another episode of the limitless podcast and guess what we are talking about the movie all about Barbie and how it's been such a phenomenon. So I went digging. I am not a fan of pink. I won't lie. I want to just put it out there but I went digging because I had a pink lipstick and I was able to find it just for you. Because this premiere of this movie has been so fun. I even got a I even got a message the other day from everybody going to Barbie and it was so fun to be able to like can you see their marketing and how great it is. So this episode is just digging into what we can take from that. So let's go ahead and jump in. Who doesn't love Barbie? I mean in its own way, the way in which this brand has changed over the over the years. Barbie is such a big part of it. But especially with the news of one of the biggest opening weekends in history. Can you believe it? I just love I just love it. This is what's coming from it. I can't imagine that some of us don't aren't thinking back to those days when I had I had the campervan, I had the Barbie campervan and like they would go on trips. And I remember like you could open it was a full kitchen. So in general, I've been a little bit nostalgic thinking about my own Barbie experience, which has been so lovely but also to I'm sure as the more you're seeing Barbie land and different aspects of the movie, you might be finding yourself thinking about when you were dressing Barbie again. But it brought in $337 million globally in its first weekend, which is again, the highest gross that has happened in this year. And I believe it's running around, that's the fourth highest in history. So playing with this idea, they did a lot of things right. They did also have a reportedly a $150 million marketing budget. So just keeping these things in mind, know that we're going to talk about this, but there's something to absolutely take from this. So the Barbie movie is absolutely something you should one go see because I'm excited about seeing it. But more importantly to marvel at their marketing and how you can learn about how this movie these the way in which they promoted it can be something you bring into your business. So this movie had the top three elements that you've heard me talk about before about guaranteed success in your business, early and strong reviews about the thoughtfulness of the movie, and just the fun viewing experience. That's those results-driven offers, right being able to know that people are already loving the movie. Within that to that they've had a years of memorable branding with this pink Barbie land. And it's also recognizable. So they can't they already came in and did this marketing budget, having two of the best elements go okay, we have a product we know that is going to hit and going to do well. We have a brand that everyone already knows. So we're going to capitalize on that. So those are the two biggest things that they already kind of had in Kent and their cannon this marketing team. But what we're gonna chat most about today is high visibility. So what I love about using this episode and talking about it is that this is the number one place that entrepreneurs decide, like, Oh, I'll work on my offers, and I'll work on my branding. But they forget about this visibility factor in this is definitely the key piece to making these things work. So knowing that they had all three elements, but the visibility is the biggest one. This episode is all about how you can get inspired by and take the strategies from this marketing team that made the Barbie movie such a hit. So the number one thing that I want to talk about is anticipation. This is something I haven't really brought into the limitless episodes before but this is something that was such a big deal when it came comes to brand new. So we knew about this movie for over a year. The first photo was released in 2022. Around Barbie just in her dream car that that circulated it got out in the press, people were so excited to see it. They also decided to finish their shoot in Santa Barbara right after that. So Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie are in their neon outfits on on Santa Monica Boulevard. So being a was a beach, I have to go to Santa Monica know which area but in general being in those neon outfits amongst others and hit the internet, you got to see that there was something happening. So the idea is that we couldn't see the movie yet, we didn't even know what it was going to be about. But being able to anticipate that something big was coming with that their first teaser trailer came out in December. So knowing that it is July, the middle of July, it's over eight months, of us at least knowing about what the movie was about. So just using this idea of we got little pieces, we got little teasers or what was to come. Anticipation is such a key when it comes to this early visibility. So just using this as an example, you can never over share what you are working on in your business, you in general, the success of any launch is what you're doing pre launch, how can you get us excited, even before we know what the offer is even like, that's the ability that of what it is to get your clients to anticipate it. So what you can take from this, share the process of your upcoming offers. So talk about what's in the works. So whether it's a screenshot of something on your computer, whether it's you doing a brand shoot maybe even to you might shout out the people you're working with, allow that to be seen in a lot of ways. So knowing that, like if I decide to do a brand photo shoot, I'll be like sneak peek at an offer that's about to come or even to like if like you're I'm working on a piece of content, maybe I'll let my another camera run in the background while I'm building it. So you're like I'm working on something big, it's on its way. All of this is allowing your followers, your community to get excited that you're doing something that they can't wait to see, using this idea of the Stay tuned or something is coming messaging is allowing your most interested clients to just get involved and stay involved. So anticipation can be a really fun piece to see what the early interest is to see who your most engaged are. And also know that you're you're setting yourself up for an easier launch when it does come to launch time. So anticipation is one of the best ways to gain new followers and new engagement. So allowing them to get interested in what's to come encourage them to follow and stay engaged so they don't miss a thing. So knowing that when that Barbie photo went out with her dream car, there was probably a big uptick and followers so we could stay in the in the zone knowing that whenever that that first trailer went out, people were commenting it in that so knowing that these are ways in which you can think about okay, how can I not wait till it's fully ready to share it allows us to anticipate Something's coming. The next one I was so excited to share about and I just want to get into it is that they had some really strong messaging around this movie, they they knew what it was about. So before I even jump into what it's about, like for me, when I think of the Barbie brand when I think of what I hope this Barbie movie is, it was about really understanding that you can be anything you want to be we know that Barbie could do any occupation, but also to being able to be true to who you are I what I love most. And what we've been able to see so far is that we know that it's very inclusive, they're showing many different types of people in it and being able to know that like okay, this is Barbie but this is modern Barbie, this is something that we get to look into. So something that I really love about this message is that is that it's not just a movie about a doll. I know I know, just from early reviews and it's it's got a deeper meaning. But even more like we're all jumping into this modern Barbie approach. So with any movie, the actors normally have the press junkets interviews in general, the Marvel movie universe has been able to kind of change the game when it comes to how much exposure and how actors are a part of it. So this was absolutely apparent with the numerous interviews if you hang out on YouTube for a little while, you're gonna see just how many media outlets that actors in general are a part of so they can share about what their movie what their movies are about and what they loved about it. But one thing you'll you'll learn whenever you're watching these is the actors that are so excited about what they're doing, can can bleed through you

can absolutely see that energy. So if you haven't gotten a chance to watch Ryan Gosling share the must haves of Here's Ken character for GQ, I want you to go run to it, I swear that he's having the most fun being again. And I think this is something that like makes me just like, I want to know about what happens to his character in the movie. But you can tell he's having a blast, he's being sarcastic and enjoying himself. So knowing that just a part of this is your joy in the way in which you share it. But something that was that really hit me whenever I was looking at up what was going on with the the marketing and promotion or the reporting around it, is that one of the quotes I love seeing was from Warner Brothers global marketing leads saying, it stopped being a marketing campaign and took on a quality of a movement. So many of you have heard me talk about this and sales messaging. But this is essential to understand that we're not just selling something, we are selling an experience. So here's what you can learn from it. Right? Here's what here's what you want to take away from this this type of success is that strong marketing messaging is not about pushing the sales first. It is the movement you are creating with your offer. Take it from somebody who is having one of the best launches of a movie in history, that we didn't focus on making sure you bought the tickets, we wanted you to know about the experience, this is exactly what making it a movement is. So none of these interviews are giving away every single detail of the movie, or what's included so many of you, when you're ready to sell. I know the first thing is like, let me tell you all that I have included in this offer. Oh, we're not starting with that we're talking about what what is it that you want your clients to feel, what's what happens, what's the energy of what you're creating, that's what we lead with. So taking this into account, the interviews were instead about how the actors loved playing these characters, and had a lot of fun with it, and how it felt to watch the movie and how it felt to be on set. So a lot of it was about feelings, not about go buy the ticket. So you are selling and promoting the experience, not the product and the service itself. Lean into understanding this when it comes to your messaging your offers your products. Also, too, if you want your clients or potential clients to be energized by your marketing, you got to be too. So I have a launch mentioned messaging matrix that I give to my clients. And it's all about building a clear, meaningful and empowering launch. And I will say that it's something that all has always worked. For me. It's that repeatable process that allows me to be grounded, but also be clear about what I'm sharing with others. But with my clients, it's not unheard of that they tell me, I just want to get it out the door, like I don't, I don't think I need to do I just want to send it out. And what I want to keep coming back to is that being intentional, being meaningful, being thoughtful about your marketing allows you to have the energy to put it out there. So this is where you want to think into what your experience is in building the offer what your experience you hope it will be for the upcoming clients because that energy is transferable. So if you haven't really thought about what it's going to be, we're going to feel that versus if you have a deeper, you know, core of like what you want this offer to be what it means to you, we're going to get into that energy, it's going to be contagious. So get grounded, what your offer is going to do. Consider how excited you are about leading that offer. And allow your energy to come through whenever you are selling launching in general talking about the way in which you are selling the experience. So messaging that shows your movement, not only for your clients, but also making sure you've feel that joy when you get to share it. Barbie is so on point with this. It made me so happy to see that quote, You have no idea. The last piece which I think was some of the biggest, biggest things that came from the success of this Barbie movie launch, is being able to look at the fact that yes, those two those first two visibility strategies were on point they were they they bled into this last one, Barbie got tons of opportunities to to cross promote with brands. So it was in general one there was formal partnerships and then there were just people just wanted to hop on the trend, which is something that I think is huge to talk about. Here's a list of just a few of the partnerships I can we can absolutely say it was a big part of their their launch. They had a progressive commercial. They had a life size Barbie Dream Airbnb, which I wish I could have gotten do that there was an easy way for any fans to create their own Barbie posters. That's why you hear everyone's like Hi Barbie Hi Barbie so we all get to be our own version of Barbie. There was a Pink Burger King burger, which I again have I would have to try this out. But in general, recent reports are showing that there was more than 100, partnerships, some formal, some just jumping in on the fact that this, this movie is hitting the right energy of the culture right now. It's like, really a part of the season. It's a fun movie, but also something that's so recognizable. So what can you learn from this, stop thinking that you do this stuff alone, stop thinking that you want that to build success in your business is only on your shoulders. A lot of the most easy ways to inject a new audience bringing in new people is to partner with others. So raise your visibility by simply working with others collaborate on IG lives, even do Co Co lead trainings. Build a product that works together in general, a lot of the things that I did when I was building content for others was how many contests can we run? How many partnerships can we do I want to do at least one a month? That was a lot of what helped me build audiences a lot faster. Podcasts? Hello, you can just come and come out and say hi, I'm gonna join me on this podcast. In general, how can you think about the things that you love or what your ideal client may be hanging out on that can build you up even to take taking the Barbie movie as an example, there were some unlikely partnerships that didn't like first like roll off the tongue. So this is a perfect example of being able to like allow, allow yourself to see where your ideal client might be hanging out and small and big ways. So business growth, absolutely comes from community. So getting others excited about what you're putting out, even if they do a similar business or are in a completely different business as yours, knowing that you're going to be able to grow together. So clearly, if you hadn't notice, I'm very excited about this. I was just in love with how much I saw the effort, the meaning behind this marketing campaign. So so much that I wanted to make a whole episode for you. But you don't need this Hollywood budget to prioritize your visibility in your business. This is what you want to take from it. If I like, I can take a crumb of what would the success of the Barbie movie was I'm going to let my clients anticipate what the content the offers that I'm building and sharing. I'm wanting to get grounded in strong messaging that's meaningful that absolutely energizes me to share those offers. I'm going to partner with brands and entrepreneurs regularly to raise my visibility. So if you are in New York City and want to go see Barbie messaged me on Instagram at Jamie Ratterman J M i e ra te R ma NN i would love to have a Barbie partner my fiance's not a big Barbie Ken person, but I would love to have him join me. But of course, I want to ask you to share this episode because it's so important to know that we get to have as exciting of a launch as Barbie did. So I asked you to share this episode, take a screenshot. Tell me which one of these you're going to do. Are you going to we're going to focus on anticipation you're going to build your strong messaging, or you're gonna start partnering with with others. I want to hear what you loved about this share. Until next time, find your pink lipsticks, do whatever you need, but of course live a little more limitless.


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